The library underscores its commitment to provide free basic library services to its citizens of Bossier Parish. This policy sets forth fees associated for value-added services for photocopies, printing, and faxes. These fees help the library defray costs, conserve resources, and ensure equity-of-access standards.
Printing & Copying
It is the library’s objective to provide easily accessible information that meets the patrons’ needs. They may use copy machines to photocopy information from Library materials. Patrons may also print or copy personal materials and may be allowed to use their own paper at the discretion of staff. Fees still apply when using own paper.
This service is provided to offer increased convenience to patrons who need to retrieve and deliver documents quickly. When materials must be faxed between branches, it is difficult to determine in advance whether the information meets the patron’s need. For this reason, the library does not charge for faxed information when the patron in the receiving branch evaluates its usefulness and returns the material to the desk. The library will not fax copies of materials for which contractual agreements prohibit photocopying. Faxing may not be available at all locations.
Scanning of personal documents to a USB flash drive or to an email address is provided free of charge. To ensure fair and equitable access to this service, patrons:
- Must provide their own USB flash drive
- Are allowed two (2) scans per patron per day
- Are allowed a maximum of 30 pages total
- Must type in the address if scanning to an email address (scanning to an email address is not available at all library locations)
- Black & White copies (letter/legal only) is 10¢ per page, per side.
- Color copies (letter/legal only) is 40¢ per page, per side.
- Copies on tabloid paper for both Color and Black & White is $1.00 per page, per side.
- Sending faxes is $1.00 for every 20 pages.
- Receiving faxes is 10¢ per page.
- There is no fee for scanning services.
Acceptable Payment Methods
The library only accepts payment via a library deposit account (AAM). Monies stored on your AAM account (based on your library card number) can be used for printing and photocopying at a Print Release Terminal (PRTs), for digital faxing at a Library Document Station (LDS) - provided the account value meets the costs of the intended transaction unless otherwise stated, or for paying other services, such as lost or damaged items, bulk purchases, and the like. For more information about adding money to your AAM account, please visit our help page.
Upcoming Events
Stories, songs and crafts for kids of all ages.
Ready to get the wiggles out? Join us for Wiggle Wednesdays for this high energy storytime where we will dance, sing, and read a fun book.
Visit the library every Wednesday from 1:30-3:30 P.M. inside the East 80 Meeting room, for our Discovery Play program!
Benton Branch has another book club! If you're interested in joining a group that shares your enthusiasm for a good book and interesting conversation, look no further. Each month, the group selects an intriguing read to enjoy and discuss.
A four week introductory course to using a computer and getting online.
This program is designed for children ages 3, 4, and 5. A child may join the program after their 3rd birthday. A child transitions out of the program after their 6th birthday.